Monday, March 12, 2018

Happy 12th Birthday dear sweet Lily

Another 🎈 March birthday 🎈to celebrate, '' Lily " CAN CH Madsky's Firestorm is celebrating her 12th birthday❤️
My whiskered, lumpy loved weim who still very active in her own way, from crate banging, to hoarding anything in her crate from pizza boxes to objects unidentified, never to be seeing or heard, a true gray ghost. Best senior friend is still Rose❤️

Lily on couch in sun with Rose on couch behind her. Enjoying the sunshine !

Lily's lair

 Lily's best bud , Rose 13 yts old 

Lily blowing bubble anticipating a treat 

Fall 2017

Rose 13 yrs old  +  Lily  11 yrs. old